Join us to help remove weeds and noxious plants from the park.
Weeds and noxious species are plants that have the potential to be harmful to an ecosystem in certain circumstances. At Pease Park species like Hedge Parsley can grow in large swaths, or monocultures, and prevent essential species biodiversity.
To steward the park and foster a healthy ecosystem, volunteers will be helping us remove some of these species in Live Oak Meadow to make way for species that provide habitat, sustenance, and other ecosystem services.
Pease Park Conservancy will provide all necessary materials such as gloves and hand trowels.
Volunteers are welcome to bring their pairs of gloves if they have them; wear comfortable weather-appropriate clothing that they do not mind getting dirty; sunscreen; snacks; and bring a refillable water bottle to stay hydrated.
We highly encourage alternate forms of transportation such as public transportation, walking, biking, ridesharing and carpooling if you are able.
Anyone age 13+ is welcome
A note about Pease Park Conservancy's events:
If you sign up, please make every effort to show up. Our events are free so all of our community members can attend. But we plan our events to be meaningful for the number of people who register to be there, so please make every effort to attend if you have registered. We understand things come up from time to time, but If you have registered we look forward to having you there! Thank you!